Tuesday, April 28, 2009

South Florida Convention Report

The South Florida Homeschool Convention was a success! Lots of people, both new homeschoolers as well as veterans, turned out to shop the vendor hall and to hear keynote speaker Andrew Pudewa. I had one woman come into my Sonlight booth after the keynote address and say, "After hearing Andrew Pudewa speak I am changing my whole approach to homeschooling! I used to use textbooks but I am going to read-aloud to my children!" And proceeded to ask about Sonlight! I don't know if Mr. Pudewa mentioned Sonlight by name or just highlight the benefits of reading aloud to your children, but I was happy to help her discover the pleasures of literature-based learning!

Here are some pictures of the event:Me and my helpers! (Lisa was also my assistant my she was not there at this point and I neglected getting her picture afterwards).

Samples of the different components.

IG rack, Reader samples, Core rack

My neighbor next to me (notice their catalog rack facing me!) Tommy hung out in front of it most of the time.

My ground crew/driver/babysitter/lunch deliverer (you can kinda see his scar just beneath the sunglasses).


  1. Glad you had such a great experience!


  2. Hi Sheila,

    Great photos. It was great to read what you said about the speaker--Andrew is speaking at one of my conventions later this summer. I think he does mention Sonlight by name.
