Friday, November 4, 2011

Todd Wilson - Family Man Ministries

On Thursday I headed over to Hillcrest Baptist Church to hear Todd Wilson of Family Man Ministries speak. I was vaguely familiar with him, having seen him at several conventions this past year. However, since I work as a Sonlight Curriculum Consultant at homeschooling conventions, I don't often have the opportunity of attending workhops and seminars. So although I had heard he is an entertaining speaker, I had never had the pleasure of listening to him.

My friend, Natalie Davis, and her husband and daughter and I all rode together. I did something out of character  and did not take along a notebook in order to take notes. I just went to listen. And laugh. And be encouraged. Natalie, however, did take notes and she wrote an excellent summary on her blog. I encourage you to read it if you need to be encouraged in your homeschool adventure.

Do you hear the fog horn? Don't get lost in the Homeschool Fog!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I just realized you linked to me. How special. Thank you for inspiring me!
