Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Big changes!

Whew! The fall was a blur of activity and zoomed past at breakneck speed! Our oldest son began high school and we thought it would be fun for him to play sports for a small christian school. He liked it so much that he asked to go to school there. It was a difficult decision for us to make but we decided that he could go ahead and start at the beginning of the second semester. That day is today!

When we began homeschooling we always said we would do it as long as the Lord called us to it. When people would invariable ask, "How long are you going to homeschool?" my response was always, "Well, we're doing it this year!" Early on my husband I and sat down and made a mission statement, named our school and came up with a "Why We Homeschool" document. In reviewing the document we had written, I feel confident that we have succeeded in preparing him for this day.

So over the Christmas break we bought books and uniforms, signed contracts and drafted a transcript. Today I dropped him off and I had the experience that so many parents go through when their child is entering Kindergarten. I got to postpone it 9.5 years!!! I'm proud to say that I did remarkably well. I held it together til I got to the car. It sure is hard to let them grow up!

I'm happy that he already has friends there. Two buddies were going to show him around, making sure he gets to his classes. He was beaming when I left. That's better than clinging to my knees, isn't it? Tonight I will try to keep the questioning to a minimum, praying that he'll want to share his experiences.

I feel unbelievably blessed to have been able to homeschool him all these years. We have made some amazing discoveries together and have had lots of deposits in the memory bank. I look forward to focusing on the other two I still have at home. My job as a homeschooling mom is not over yet. My class size just shrunk by 1/3 is all.

Friends and family are praying for us. It sure is nice to be part of a loving community where we are loved and supported!

1 comment:

  1. A big day at DCA for sure. I will join in praying for you all through this transition. Glad you had time to make a blog post. :-)
