Friday, October 28, 2011

Costume Party

Our school year is in full swing. We are busy with reading, classes and co-ops (2 this year!)

On Wednesday, Annie asked me if we could have a costume party. After our co-op. On Friday. Friday?! Two days to plan? So what is a mommy to say to such a request but, "Yes, of course!" I had stated the aforementioned response without having checked the calendar. I had conveniently forgotten that I was co-hosting a Pampared Chef party the night before, teaching two classes at co-op (for which I had not yet prepared nor graded papers), then attending a bridal shower in the evening. Plus we had plans to have friends over for a cookout on Sunday evening. So it wasn't like we had nothing going on....

However, the kids promised that they'd help me (and silly me believed them), promised that it would be low key so I posted a quick invite on our co-op's forum. We had about 6 sign ups by Friday morning so I wasn't too worried. Six is a pretty manageable group. But then at co-op that day I had several moms ask if it was too late to sign up for the party and believing in the adage "the more the merrier" I cheerfully agreed.

We arrived at home (with 2 extra kids in tow), ate a quick lunch and then quickly put people the work. The extra kids got to participate in the "preparations" (read: vacuuming, sweeping, putting stuff away).
In the end 11 kids showed up. They played on the trampoline.
Made and devoured caramel apples (all except one child who had braces. She made one and will bring it home to her braces-less sisters). Two girls had never eaten them before!!! Gasp!!
Drank two gallons of pink lemonade and then jumped on the trampoline some more.

Some of the girls had fun with the curling iron.
All in all it was a fun afternoon of food and friends!